Congress Votes to Repeal So-Called ‘Cadillac Tax’

Congress Votes to Repeal So-Called ‘Cadillac Tax’

The bipartisan middle-class Health Benefits Tax Repeal of 2019, H.R. 748, passed in the House of Representatives with a 419-to-6 vote. This important piece of legislation will now head to the U.S. Senate for a vote. This vital legislation would repeal the 40 percent health benefits tax on employer-sponsored healthcare.

Send a letter now urging your Senators to support the bipartisan Middle-Class Health Benefits Tax Repeal of 2019, H.R. 748.

Robert Martinez Jr. @IAMBobMartinez

The @MachinistsUnion has been fighting for years to end the 40% on working peoples’ health care plans. Thank you, @RepJoeCourtney, for championing in the House. Now let’s get it passed in the Senate and signed into law.

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Take Action: Click here to urge Senate to vote Yes to repeal so-called ‘Cadillac Tax’

Updated: July 18, 2019 — 11:39 pm