Visit to Washington


Today with the help from IAM Grand Lodge Legislative Coordinator Hassan Solomon and Airline Coordinator Ira Levy, myself and Nicole Washington-Fears, President of Local 2339c representing Express Jet Flight attendants in Cleveland, were able to meet with the offices of Senator Sherrod Brown and Congresswoman Marcia Fudge, in Washington.  It was important to meet with them Face to Face to express our plight.
Both Senator Brown and Congresswoman Fudge offices committed to work with us to help to mitigate the reductions slated for Cleveland. It was very important for us to let our legislatures know the true impact on Cleveland, the recent decisions the Company has made. Both offices today pledge full support to all and any efforts we can make to reduce the number of members affected now or in the future. Ira levy stressed today to our representative how time sensitive this issue is. We all agreed to work right down to the deadline of June 4th to keep as many jobs in Cleveland as we possible can. With the help of our Grand Lodge, Senator Brown and Congresswoman Fudge’s offices we are hopeful to put together a bi-partisan campaign to put pressure on United to reconsider their decisions
I would like to encourage all of our members to contact their Representatives from their Districts to join us in our quest. Hassan and Ira will continue to meet with these folks to have our voices heard on Capitol Hill, but they cannot do it alone. We must all stand up and fight for Cleveland and the recently announced stations to be outsourced in September. The District will continue to negotiate with the company on lowering the number effected and making available viable options for our members to make who will be affected. We were able to get the company to commit some positions in IAD and DEN(ATW) and PHX(BTW) along with continued discussions to make separation easier for our members. And we will continue this fight.

As we go through this rough water with our fellow co-workers let us not forget the others that will ultimately be affected by this cut back. In particular let us remember those coworkers that work as Flight attendants for Express Jet that will be impacted when United decides which regional carriers will and will not continue to operate our routes out of Cleveland. We must fight as a unified group and stay strong through this trying period. 

Bill Pizzuli
District 141 Trustee
LL 1731 Committee Chair CLE
Updated: April 12, 2014 — 4:13 am