Running a business or planning a vacation



Unions, including the IAM, question how the company can struggle so greatly in developing systems that provide benefits for employees, as a result of negotiated settlements, but can modify systems with ease when the result advantages the company or management. We join with other unions, especially ALPA, in questioning the company’s push to again revise employee pleasure travel rules while delaying the full implementation of contracts. The misplaced priorities of management are on full display in the current Pass Travel Survey being conducted. Rather than focusing all resources, talent, and energy on completing implementation of contracts that are months past ratification, the company is surveying employees over the issue of management employees receiving higher boarding priority than active/retired employees. The concept that management deserves greater benefits than all other employees is in itself disturbing but the idea that this benefit is being considered and can be implemented when employees are not paid correctly turns the slogan of working together on its head. Members who choose to participate in the Pass Travel Survey should read the questions carefully as your answer could be seen as support for something you are not in favor of.


Updated: February 3, 2014 — 9:31 pm