Male seeking room in Mid-South part of the County after facing a rent increase in the apartment he has been sharing. Can pay $850 max. Seeking unfurnished room. He is a non-smoker and is willing to live with someone who has a dog. He works early mornings and evenings.
Single female seeking room in Mid-South part of the County because of a rent increase. Seeking unfurnished room for herself and her child. Seeking non-smoking environment. Pets ok. Works nights and weekends. Can pay $900 max.
Mature female seeking room in North-Mid-South part of the County to be closer to work. Can pay $900 max. Is allergic to dogs, but can live with other pets. She prefers a private bath, but will share if necessary. Has a car and is willing to use street parking. She enjoys classical jazz music.
Senior female seeking pleasant, quiet place to live with a private bath. She has a short haired, indoor, cat who loves attention from others. Can offer household help, driving, tutoring, gardening. Seeking to reduce housing costs and save more for retirement. Working full-time. Enjoys singing, attending church, dancing. Can pay up to $950 and seeking anywhere in San Mateo County except the Coast.
Single parent seeking housing in the San Bruno – Redwood City area. Spends most of her time working and attending church. Can pay up to $1,000. Seeking furnished or unfurnished room and a nonsmoking environment. Pets ok.
Single male who recently relocated from Southern California to work in San Francisco is seeking a room to rent anywhere on the Peninsula except the Coast. Furnished or unfurnished room ok. Can pay up to $650. He is an outside smoker and is willing to live with others who smoke or have pets. Enjoys being outdoors and motor sports.
Single parent seeking housing after receiving a rent increase. Seeking an unfurnished room for $800 in the Mid-South part of the County. Nonsmoker, no pets. Willing to live in a household with pets. Works Monday-Thursdays. Seeking quiet housemate and clean environment.
Single male who received a rent increase on the apartment he’s been renting for 2.5 years is seeking a room to rent the Mid-South part of the County. He has a cat and is a nonsmoker. Can pay up to $1500 for a furnished or unfurnished room.
Senior male seeking housing in the Mid-South part of the County. Works as a care provider and in free time enjoys music, reading and going to the movies. Can pay up to $500. Seeking nonsmokers and no pets. Owner of the home he’s sharing is selling the property.
Female seeking housing in the Mid-County near her place of employment. She has a small dog and is willing to live with others who have pets. Seeking nonsmoking environment. Furnished or unfurnished room ok. Can pay up to $1100. Has a busy work schedule and during free time enjoys exercising and being with friends.
Male seeking housing in the Mid-North part of the County. He is relocating from out of State to go to school and work. He can pay up to $800. Outside smokers and pets ok. When he is not working, he enjoys travelling and exercising.