Save the date, as the IAM and our allies will gather virtually on January 16-17 for the 2022 AFL-CIO Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Civil and Human Rights Conference.
Register now for the 2022 AFL-CIO MLK Civil and Human Rights Conference.
We will build on our victories and strategize about the continued fight for economic and racial justice with—and also within—the labor movement.
The theme of January’s conference is “Honoring Our Past and Protecting Our Future.”
The 2022 observance marks the 26th year of the conference where we celebrate the legacy of Dr. King, reinforce the longstanding bond between the labor and civil rights movements, and both prepare and empower participants to carry on the fight for justice and equality. This year’s conference will be virtual.
This year’s conference will focus on the past, present and future connection between the labor and civil rights movement, the importance of strengthening our rights and the critical role that workers play in shaping our democracy.
Sessions and trainings will be held online so everyone can attend safely.
Register now for the 2022 AFL-CIO MLK Civil and Human Rights Conference.
The early registration fee is $35 and a general fee of $50 will become effective on January 4, 2022.