Category: News

IAM Transportation Department Members Voices Heard Loud and Clear on Capitol Hill

Over 300 IAM members descended on Capitol Hill this week, with IAM Transportation members leading the charge and pressuring Congress to support legislation that improves the working conditions of IAM members who work on the nation’s railroads and in commercial aviation. Hundreds of members in Congress were visited by IAM Transportation members and came to […]

Register Now for 2018 IAM Aerospace Conference

Details and registration information for the upcoming IAM Aerospace Conference to be held September 10–14, 2018 at the Worthington Renaissance Hotel in Ft. Worth, TX are now available. Check out the official call letter packet, which includes registration forms for the event and hotel. The conference will be chaired by International President Bob Martinez and […]

Join the IAM at Rolling Thunder 2018

Machinists Union members will ride as a union in Washington, DC’s annual 2018 Rolling Thunder “Ride for Freedom,” the world’s largest single-day motorcycle event. It is believed to be the first time a national or international union will ride together in Rolling Thunder. The Memorial Day Weekend ride, which dates back to 1988, gives tribute […]