Enter The 2024 IAM Photo Contest

Enter The 2024 IAM Photo Contest

Attention all IAM members who enjoy taking photos. The 2024 IAM Photography contest is now open, so get out your cameras or smartphones and start snapping some pics of your Union sisters and brothers.

The official call letter and entry forms can be found here.

Submit your pictures of IAM members in their workplace, union function, or performing community service for a chance to win a cash prize and have your photo featured in the 2024 IAM Calendar. The entry deadline is May 24, 2024.

Two dollars from each calendar sale is donated to Guide Dogs of America/Tender Loving Canines (GDA/TLC). You can order your 2024 Calendar here.

Scan to enter online from your mobile device
Updated: May 18, 2024 — 1:45 am