Apply for an IAM Scholarship

The 2017 IAM Scholarship Competition is now accepting applications. The deadline for submissions is February 24, 2017.


Click here to download applications and see eligibility rules.

The IAM awards scholarships to:

·         Children of IAM members (parent or guardian) applying for college

·         Children of IAM members (parent or guardian) applying for vocational or technical School

·         IAM members applying for college

Since its implementation in 1960, the Scholarship Competition has continued to grow. This past year, 2015-2016, the IAM received 294 applications for scholarships. The 16 scholarships awarded were valued at $72,000.

By Convention Resolution, IAM delegates determined that voluntary contributions to finance the Scholarship fund be set at 50 cents per member, per year. To date, 224 of the IAM’s approximately 960 Locals have contributed. If your lodge has not adopted this resolution or has not contributed for this year, please give it serious consideration at your next lodge meeting.

You may call the IAM Safety and Health Department, which administers the scholarship competition, at 301-967-4708 to request an application packet to be mailed. Application packets have been sent to the local and district lodges.

Click here for details on the 2017 IAM Scholarship competition.

Updated: October 19, 2016 — 12:47 am