Proposed Change to the Bylaws of Local Lodge 1731

Proposed Change to the Bylaws of Local Lodge 1731

Current Wording:
Article III – Initiation, Reinstatement and Dues
Section 2. The monthly dues of this lodge shall be a uniform rate equal to two (2) times the weighted average hourly earnings of members covered by the collective bargaining agreements under the Local Lodge jurisdiction in accordance with the IAM Constitution, or the sum of the per capita taxes and affiliation fees plus $6.75, whichever is greater.
Proposed Wording:
Article III –  Initiation, Reinstatement and Dues
Section 2.   The monthly dues of this Lodge shall be the sum of all per capita taxes and affiliation fees plus $6.75.

Signature and Date (At least 5 members):                   Print Name:

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Updated: April 19, 2017 — 3:53 am